Medically Monitored Withdrawal Management Program (Ambulatory Detox)


Our Ambulatory Medically Monitored Withdrawal Management (Detoxification) program is a unique outpatient program for individuals who require medical monitoring for withdrawal symptoms from alcohol or opioids (for example Percocet, Oxycontin, Dilaudid or heroin addiction) but are unable to utilize inpatient services because of professional or personal obligations.

Individuals using multiple substances will be clinically evaluated for an appropriateness for outpatient detoxification program and provided with other referrals if needed. Patients in this program come to our facility daily to receive medical care and go home at night allowing them to remain connected with their families.

Medically Monitored Withdrawal Management program provides many benefits of traditional inpatient detoxification program, but it takes place in less restrictive, safe and cost-effective setting. Although some people are able to quit ‘cold turkey’ we recommend treating alcohol withdrawal under medical care to reduce risk of developing life threatening conditions (seizures, high blood pressure, or hallucinations) associated with abrupt cessation of alcohol intake. The intense and physical symptoms of opiate withdrawal can also be managed via medication to reduce risk of dehydration and hypernatremia (elevated blood sodium level). This first step in recovery process is not considered to be treatment by itself but its designed to help you clear your mind and body so you can engage in counseling and recovery.

Our team will complete comprehensive assessment, provide medical monitoring, vitals check, and dispense FDA approved medications to lessen the pain of withdrawal from heroin addiction and other opioids and alcohol and in safe ‘home like’ environment. Although it is not required to have someone present with you during detoxification time, we strongly recommend involving a supportive loved one in treatment planning and family education.


Patients have access to:

• On site physician

• Nursing care

• Psychiatrist

• Behavioral Health Counselors

• Well balanced and nutritious meals

• On call 24/7 access to medical staff

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