Telemedicine From New Life!

Telemedicine for opioid and alcohol detox and rehab is now being offered by New Life Medical Addiction Services in Marlton, NJ. New Life’s role as an advanced outpatient opioid, alcohol detox, and rehab center means that as our patients are facing many challenges during this time, it is our responsibility and mission to see to it that all of them receive the care and healing that they deserve. As New Life’s Medical Director/Co-Founder Dr. Joe Savon says, “We owe it to our patients to make sure that they can start the process of healing immediately. Unlike most facilities where there is an indefinite waiting period, we have set up a system to perform a patient’s intake as soon as they call. We will evaluate them, have them examined by our trained staff, begin a medically assisted detox protocol, place them in a one on one session with a certified drug and alcohol counselor, connect them with a peer coach, and even have them in one of our group IOP’s that same day. Heroin is no longer the crisis. Fentanyl, heroin’s synthetic cousin, is cheaper and 100px more potent. One minute can be the difference between life and death.”

The COVID-19 health emergency has created unprecedented challenges for those who suffer from addiction and the New Life team has been able to implement a range of innovative solutions to ensure that patients can continue to receive the highest level of care in this incredibly difficult time.

The first challenge we tackled was getting patients approved for care even if they can’t come to our facility. Using Zoom and other remote telemedicine services, New Life is able to approve and start the treatment for a patient in as little as a few hours. This includes patients who use Medicare, Medicaid, private insurance, and even cash-paying patients.

Depending on the level of care that a patient needs, they will first meet via a telemedicine conference with a doctor and/or one of our counselors for an evaluation. All that a patient needs is access to a smart phone, tablet, or computer that has a front-facing camera so that they can meet with us via Zoom. Joining a Zoom conference is very simple but if any patient has a problem connecting, New Life has technical support staff who will help them get set up. For those patients who are unable to join a web-based telemedicine session, New Life is able to work with patients over the phone.

For those patients who want or need to be cared for inside our facility and/or where virtual care is not an option, we have a process for allowing up to 5 patients to be safely seen in our office at a time and we employ the latest in cleaning, hygiene, and distancing protocols that the current situation requires.

Unlike many 30-day inpatient treatment programs, New Life Medical Addiction Services is committed to providing people with a clear path towards a life without the need for drugs or alcohol after they have finished our treatment program. Our doctors and staff know all too well the challenges that can confront recovering addicts when they leave the walls of an inpatient program and need to tackle life without any artificial crutches. Not only do our counselors teach patients the life skills they will need to stay clean and sober, but they are ready to provide continuing support well after a patient has moved onto the path of recovery.

To care for patients once their immediate situation has been addressed, New Life offers peer coaching for up to 2 years. Peer coaching is conducted on a one-on-one basis with counselors who are deeply experienced and who really get to know our patients on a one-on-one basis. Counselors are successful at providing patients with the support they will need to avoid the pitfalls that addicts often encounter when they leave treatment.

If you or someone you care about is suffering with addiction, please consider entrusting New Life Medical Addiction Services with your care and recovery.

To learn more about New Life’s approach to telemedicine, call us at: 856-942-3700 or send us a Text Message.

Someone is available to talk 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.


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