Addiction & Coronavirus: The New Reality Of Addiction Care

Dr. Joe Savon

Addiction & Coronavirus: The New Reality Of Addiction Care.

As if we didn’t have enough challenges in our field, COVID-19 will mean that we may have to rethink aspects of traditional care plans.  At New Life we offer all outpatient services, including detox.  Our patients are treated in smaller groups, often no greater than five.  They will spend approximately 6-7 hours a day at our facility.  We are very rigorous in our screening requirements for entry into the program.  Inpatient detox involves exposure to greater populations for 24 hours a day.  Outpatient detox is not appropriate for all patients.  This is understood, and we will always work with our inpatient provider friends to provide seamless transition through the various levels of care.

At New Life we feel that we will offer top quality care with a substantial reduction in cost.  In view of our daily restrictions as a society we strongly feel that smaller groups are needed and returning to home every night will be in the best interests of the patient.   Our IOP groups will be reduced in size as well.  Social distancing will be the norm for IOP and individual counseling.  We are open 7 days a week and offer evening IOP sessions.  This will allow for small groups as we struggle through the national crisis.  We are also starting a process to allow for telemedicine.

New Life Medical Addiction Services is a new model for addiction care in general, offering outpatient detox, IOP, OP, medical consultations and MAT under one roof with a strong medical component.  We believe that we are dealing with a medical disease and that this has to be addressed alongside our excellent counselors.  With COVID-19, NEVER has smaller been better and NEVER has outpatient care been more preferable.

We will all keep up the fight. We wish all the best in achieving our goal of dealing simultaneously with addiction and coronavirus, that being better care, better outcomes and a reduction in the addiction crisis facing our nation.

To speak to someone at New Life, call us at: 856-942-3700 or send us a Text Message.

Sincerely Yours,
Joseph Savon, M.D.
Medical Director

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